Thursday, July 15, 2021

Vipassana Meditation And Some Important Questions Related to it

  There are three types of Yoga Vipassana, Transcendental Meditation and Hatha Yoga. Today we will mainly talk about Vipassana Meditation. 

Vipassana meditation means (vi + pashya + na) which in Pali language means to see which object in a particular way. There are 4 types of  Vipassana Meditation (Kayanupasana, Vedanupasana, Chittanupasana) , Dhammanupasana, we will discuss it in detail in the next blog. Today I will explain  from where did Vipassana Meditation originated?

About 2500 years ago, Lord Gautam Buddha, who is called the Light of Asia, was born, he spent 29 years of his early days as the son of a king, but when he was roaming in his kingdom, he saw three different thing: an old lady, suck man infected with leprosy, and a dead man. When he saw a dead man, he started deliberating why this man died and he left kingdom and his wife and children and he left his house in search of truth.

    Even after doing penance for many years, when he did not get anything, he sat under a tree and promised himself that he would not move from here until he got the answer to his questions, even if he died while doing so. Gautam Buddha saw a beautiful light after a full 48 days and the meditation he got is called Vipassana meditation..

Why should one do Vipassana?

    Vipassana is one of the oldest techniques of meditation, it has been mentioned many times in the Hindu veda and it has also been mentioned many times in the Puranas. This technique disappeared, Gautam Buddha revived it so that people can get rid of their sorrow and pain.

    How powerful is Vipassana Meditation, you can find out from here that Emperor Ashoka killed millions of people and many other creatures after the Kalinga War, when a Buddha Monk told him about Vipassana Meditation since then Emperor Ashoka put a ban on jiva violence, he sent 8 monks to different countries so that everyone could know about Vipassana meditation.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Origin of Meditation

Meditation originated in India long time ago. The knowledge of meditation is difficult to describe in a few words. Few people knew where it started. Lord Shiva meditated for a long time to get his wife. The earliest written evidence of the practice of meditation is from 5000 to 3000 wall art in the Indian subcontinent showing people with half-closed eyes.


The oldest written mention of meditation is believed to be in the Vedas from 1500 BC, but according to some beliefs it is considered to be memorized. At that time people were sent to Gurukul, which was mostly located in forests, those people used to live under their Guru and used to remember the knowledge of words only through mouth.

Meditation was meant for religious people who tried to transcend the limits of human life to attain divine power. Yogis meditating in caves in Hindu traditions. This is the oldest meditation tradition in the earth that is still alive. First of all meditation was practiced by chanting Mantra and looking at an object with the second gaze has become a movement of meditation in the modern era and many postures have been done Emphasis on mudras and breathing exercises. Yoga is not the only thing suited in these hundreds of schools, it is a knowledge tradition that has developed core meditation and spirituality. It is not only about breathing in and out of air but it is a way reaching ultimate trans state of human conscience. 

Almost all Hindu posts talk about the science of meditation, so we can assume that this meditation is an integral part of knowledge and all this was done from the Mukhi group itself. 

According to Hindu belief, since the beginning of human beings, that era has been considered as Sat Yuga. The seven Manas sons of Brahma (Atri, Pulastya, Marichi, Bhrigu, Vasistha, Daksha and Narada) had taken the revolution of meditation in Sat Yuga, they used to spend most of their time in meditation.

Now you all must have understood that it is not so easy to do meditation as you understand.

How to do meditation and some questions related to it.

 How to Meditate how to meditate 

Meditation is a process by which we awaken all our latent energies and pass from negativity to positivity and we experience a different world. People who do meditation often lead a healthy and healthy life.

If you do meditation, then before that you should take 10 to 15 long long breaths and meditate on those breaths, how the breath is going in and out, we have to keep watching the full activity of our breath, that after some time we start meditation. let's do. 

Before doing meditation, we should chant Om three times with long breath and start meditation. It is possible that different types of thoughts come to our mind and we should try that we can make the mind one thing for some time. 

If a pregnant woman does meditation everyday for some time, then she can help her child to develop well because our body works in the same way as we make up the mind and the muscles of our body are also made in the same way. It is clear that the child of a pregnant woman is attached to her body, that is why if her body is good then her child will also be 100% fit. 

I believe that all the pregnant women of the world should do meditation for maximum time so that they keep their mind and body healthy and can make our future better if we have mother and daughters will be healthy then only our Everything will be good, so our mother daughters and all sisters should do meditation for us so that they can make our future good so that our country can move forward.If we can hear and feel the coming and going of our breath for 2 minutes, then we become automatic meditation, we do not need meditation, in that process we have already reached meditation.

Vipassana Meditation And Some Important Questions Related to it

    There are three types of Yoga Vipassana, Transcendental Meditation and Hatha Yoga.  Today we will mainly talk about Vipassana Meditation...